If you’re feeling all hot and bothered under the collar about the recent announcement of Borderlands 2 and just can’t wait to read that juicy twelve page spread that Game Informer will be running then you may be slightly please to learn that a few details about the game have emerged.

Four-player co-op will be making a triumphant return, but the original four vault hunters won’t occupying those spaces, instead they’ll be NPC’s  in the game. But that’s good news for us as it means new characters and new classes to play as. Gearbox is promising quite a few new classes to have fun with, but at the moment only one is known; Salvador, a Gunzerker,  is a small, slightly insane looking Dwarf who is capable of dual wielding any weapon.

Speaking of weapons, Gearbox has decided that they need a bit of tweaking as well.The’ve now completely revamped the weapon generation system from Borderlands so that different weapon manufacturers will now have a distinctive look and personality.  Enemies will now also have access to their own unique brand of weapons, so get ready for some deadly firepower. Firepower isn’t everything though, so Borderlands 2’s enemies are now going to be smarter and more capable in a fight.

Improvements will also be made to the games general interactions with NPC’s and quests. Friendly NPC’s will now actually be capable of speech and will hopefully make towns feel like a much interesting place to hang around.

A new currency, called Iridium, will also be introduced and you can be used to upgrade weapons and vehicles. Presumably by glueing it on or something.

Speaking of vehicles, a wider variety of them is promised. Here’s hoping for some tweaked handling and physics resulting in some sweet racing and destruction derby style missions.

Gearbox are also promising more dynamic missions as well as dialogue options for the players to select. Hopefully this will all result in a deeper and more satisfying story.

Well, that’s everything for now, so I’m off back to Pandora to brush up on my gun looting skills.

