Wait…what’s this Iron Brigade I hear you cry!?!

Well, remember way back in June when Double Fine’s Mech/Loot/Tower Defence hybrid Trenched was unleashed, well there was a slight hitch and by that I mean major problem. It seems that a Portuguese board game designer had already trademarked Trenched in Europe, that covered both board games AND video games, now as you can imagine….this was a problem.

So while the USA and other regions enjoyed Trenched, the UK and other parts of Europe had no Trenched and no real idea what was happening. Now, thankfully after many, many months Trenched is to be released, but it’s had to undergo a name change to Iron Brigade, but that’s all good! When the game is released, a Title Update will also drop, changing everything over from Trenched to Iron Brigade, it will also add a free Horde/Survival based mode with some new loot to boot!

Also on the way is some DLC called ‘Rise of The Martian Bear’ which will contain about a third of the original game, though this neither has a price or release date.

Iron Brigade will see release on 30Th November and will cost 1200MSP
