In just two days the Xbox 360 version of Minecraft will be released onto Xbox Live Arcade where thousands and thousands of people will undoubtedly flock to purchase it at the high, high price of 1600MSP, yet they may be surprised to find out that one of the key features of Minecraft hasn’t made it to the Xbox 360 version.

As players of the PC version know, Minecraft’s world is procedurally generated as the players walks across it, making it, in theory at least, infinite in size.  You never run out of world to explore, resources to mine and trouble to get into. While Minecraft has many other great features, this infinitely generated world is arguably the biggest of them, yet sadly this hasn’t made it onto the console version of the game, presumably due to the simple fact that the Xbox 360 is running pretty old technology by this point and just doesn’t have the memory capacity to deal with a world generated in such a fashion. Instead Xbox 360 owners will get a small little island as their world. Venture off the island into the water and swim for a little way and you’ll encounter invisible walls that stop you going any further, leaving you to simply stare forlornly into the distance, pondering what wonders may be out there. Or drown.

Of course this means that you’ve got limited resources to work with, so if you run out of Red Stone you’re going to have to start the game all over again with a new world, and that lovely castle you were building will have to vanish into the mists of time, never to be seen again. Or something like that.

For a prime example a handy journalist has made a quick video (above) demonstrating the size of the world and the invisible walls. On average he reckons it takes him around three minutes to go from the centre of the map to the border, with each game world being the size seen in the little map at the start of the video.

Given the hefty price-tag attached to the game, are you still willing to pay out despite the game not having the famous Minecraft infinite world? Keep in mind that updates have been promised for the game, although whether world size will be one of those updates is unknown.

