Our copy of Diablo III has just been passed off to the master of all things PC, Andrew Hallam, for review and needless to say I’m pretty damn excited to see what he thinks of the game. But thanks to the lovely lads and ladies over at both Blizzard and Indigo Pearl we’ve also got an extra digital copy of Diablo III (for the PC) to give away to one person out there in Internet land, so if you fancy your chances of winning a copy then read on, intrepid adventurer! And I promise I won’t mention things like intrepid adventurer again. I regret it. Sorry.

Since this site isn’t as massive as IGN, anyone who enters has a pretty damn good chance of winning the game. So, how do you actually enter the competition? Simple: you can either send an Email to badenronie@wolfsgamingblog.com with a title that reads, “Diablo III Competition” and put, “I want Diablo III. GIMME!” in the actual Email itself. Or you can enter by following this site on Twitter: @WolfsGaminBlog,and sending us a Tweet that says, “I want Diablo III. GIMME!” .  Do either of these and you’ll be automatically entered into the competition to win the game. Please do check that your system specifications can handle the game before entering the competition. Seriously, nothing sucks more than having an awesome game sitting there that you can’t play because your PC would explode if you tried it.

Everyone who enters the competition will get their name put into a giant hat (well, bucket) and on the day of the competitions end a name will be drawn at random from said hat (bucket). If the winner got in touch with us via Email then he or she will be contacted via Email with details on how to download their copy of the game from battle.net (yes, this competition is for a digital copy of the game). If he or she entered via Twitter then we’ll contact them via a message on Twitter asking for their Email address – we’ll then send the download details to the address provided. Got all that? No. Well, tough.

The competition starts as soon as you’ve finished reading this post and will end on Friday, May 18th, at exactly midnight, so make sure you’ve entered before then! Any questions, feel free to ask by comment, email or slap to the face. The winner will receive their code and instructions by 12pm on May the 19th at the very latest!

Did I cover everything? Oh, wait, I didn’t. The code is region free so feel free to enter regardless of where you live.

Have fun!
