It’s just a month until Darksiders 2 gets released and I’m pretty freakin’ excited about it at the moment: it looks like its improving on the already fun first game in just about every way. Most importantly, though: loot. Anybody that knows me, knows I have a thing about loot. In particular, I have a thing about lots and lots of loot, which is why I love games like Borderlands and Torchlight which provide it in ample amounts.

Anyway, a new developer diary has been released and it focuses on customizing your Death and the loot in the game. The two big things that grabbed my attention were the Possessed weapons, which were the highest loot available, which could actually be fed items to increase their power, and the fact that the highest levels of loot would be saved for the second playthrough of the game, something which I love as it gives me plenty of incentive to head back into the game once I’ve beat it.

Anyway, check out the video above and let know what ya’ll think: could Darksiders II be the sleeper hit of 2012?
