
People that know me often refer to me as a cynical, heartless bastard who has trouble keeping any degree of faith in humanity alive in my blackened heart. They’re completely right to say this, but sometimes something happens that amazes even me, briefly restoring my faith before it gets ripped away again when I go on Youtube and witness the general stupidity of the human race.

So, just how has my faith been restored? It’s all thanks to the story of a brilliant dad, his young son and Bungie.  Reddit user fiscal_ reached out to Bungie via Reddit, asking them of their was anything they could send to help cheer up his five-year old son who was in the hospital waiting for a liver transplant. With the help of a few other Reddit members Bungie got word of his request and took things a little further than just sending a little something to cheer the young Halo fan up – they sent Christine, a member of the Bungie team, along with some uber-sweet Halo loot, including a mighty replica of Carter’s helmet from the game, and a card signed by the team telling the brave lad that world domination could wait until he got better.

Fiscal_  came back on Reddit to praise both the medical staff and Bungie:

“My family can’t thank Bungie enough. I know that they have had a huge impact on how well my son has been recovering after his surgery.”

And he even went on to address concerns over his child playing an M-rated game:

“those that are concerned about kids playing an M rated game. He doesn’t play like you or I would sit and play. He doesn’t just hop on multiplayer with a headset and microphone or just start playing the campaign. I’ll sit down and play a part of the campaign with him, or mom will join us for our own multiplayer game. He likes the idea of Halo more than playing Halo. His interest has transcended the games, he would rather battle it out with his Halo action figures, anyway. The Spartan storyline just gets his imagination going, it’s wonderful.”

You can see Christine and the future Master Chief in the photo at the top of this article, but just look at the lads face in the picture below as his Dad puts the helmet on him – you’d never think he just came through an operation. You can see the rest of the photo album here:

Bungie, you guys did a good thing here. Maybe there’s some hope left for humanity yet. Keep up the good work, and all the best to Fiscal_ , his son and the rest of his family.

