
Rockstar have stated numerous times in the past that another game in their Red Dead franchise was entirely possible, and that they just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. Well, it seems that they’ve finally gotten around to it as Rockstar this morning announced a new title in their Red Dead franchise which will be a direct sequel to Red Dead Redemption featuring John Marston’s son.

As expected of Rockstar they’re currently keeping quiet on what we can expect from the game, but they did mention a few things.  Red Dead Redemption will feature drivable automobiles, in keeping with the time period, and they’ve worked extensively to create a new combat system, since the gunplay in Red Dead Redemption was arguably the most criticized aspect of the game. Players can also expect a sizable map, but with a few more large towns and cities, again in keeping with the time period. Still, Rockstar are adamant that the game won’t have lost that western feel.

Finally they said we could expect to see Red Dead Redemption 2, which won’t be the game’s exact name, sometime in 2015. The press release also stated that we may possibly see John Marston make a brief return as a zombie: “At Rockstar we always like to give fans what they want, and since John Marston was loved by so many we obviously had to come up with a way of bringing him back from the dead, however briefly, to. um, interact with his son”.

Exciting stuff. Or at least it would be, if this wasn’t April 1st and this wasn’t an Aprils Fools joke. Sorry guys, but I couldn’t resist! Not exactly an original or every creative April Fools, but oh well.

Have a good ‘un.
