
Box Office Mojo seems to know when the release date for the Assassin’s Creed movie is going to be. A visit to the page reveals a date of May 22nd, 2015, a release date which would put it just one week behind Marvels’ The Avengers 2. Surely nobody would want to release a movie so close to such a juggernaut?

The Assassin’s Creed movie is set to star Michael Fassbender, who will also be on production duties. Michael Lesslie is penning the script. If you’re not sure who the hell that is then don’t worry, you’re far from the only one. Lesslie has gained a good reputation writing plays and a few short films, but far he’s not written a script for a full feature film, making him a surprising choice but not necessarily a bad one. Hopefully Lesslie can do justice to the Assassin’s Creed franchise.

Other than that we’re largely in the dark about the film. Which of these assassin’s shall it follow? Will it be based off of one game from the series or is it going to take inspiration from all of them? It seems most likely, though, that they’ll stick with adapting each game as they’ll likely want to create a major movie franchise to go hand-in-hand with the games.


