Ubisoft have announced the next entry in the Far Cry, which isn’t exactly surprising news, right? Except that Far Cry Primal takes place in the stone age. Alright, you’ve got my interest Ubisoft.

Players will be taking on the role of Takkar, a seasoned hunter. In Primal your goal is to survive and push back the wildnerness, battling mammoths, sabre tooth tigers and other tribes along the way. The press release mentions having to hunt for food, crafting weapons from the bones of slain animals and mastering fire.

“The interesting thing about Far Cry is that it’s flexible, so when a team proposed to explore the idea of a Far Cry taking place during the Stone Age, we just said ‘let’s hear it!’  And the more we heard about it, the more we realised how much of a damn good idea it actually was,” said Dan Hay, Executive Producer, Ubisoft.

“The Stone Age is the perfect setting for a Far Cry game,” said Jean-Christophe Guyot, Creative Director, Ubisoft.  “Far Cry usually puts you at the edge of the known world, in a beautiful, lawless and savage frontier.  The Stone Age is, in a way, the very first frontier for humankind; it’s the time when humans put a stick in the ground and claimed land for their own, the time when we started climbing the food chain.  That came with conflict against other humans, of course, but also against nature itself.”

Given that ever Far Cry game up until this point has included a guns and vehicles Primal really is a far cry away from its own predaccesors. See what I did there? Eh? EH? No? Well….tough.

Personally I have to say that if we don’t find a mammoth, sloth and sabre tooth tiger marching across the land, followed by a squirrel looking thing desperately clutching a nut, then somebody needs to be fired from Ubisoft.

The game is due to arrive in February of 2016 on Xbox One and PS4. A PC version will follow in March, which will hopefully work.
