Nintendo’s follow-up to the incredibly successful Switch is going to release during the second half of 2024.

That’s according to the Internet sleuths over at VGC. Their sources told the site that Nintendo intends on launching their new console, also said to be a handheld/console hybrid, later in the year with plenty of stock ready to go in order to avoid another Playstation 5 scenario.

According to VGC, two of their sources also hinted at the new console using an LCD screen rather than OLED in order to keep costs down. The new console is also said to have a slot for cartridge-based games, which would fit in with Nintendo’s own comments that they want to convert as many of their existing users as possible over to the new console, and being backwards compatible would certainly help with that.


Earlier this year, Nintendo themselves confirmed that no new hardware would be launching in 2023/2024 financial year. Nintendo’s 2023/2024 fiscal year will end in March of 2024, meaning that if VGC’s sources are correct, Nintendo could not be accused of lying.

While Nintendo’s games are still selling extremely well, a Tokyo-based industry consultant by the name of Dr Serkan Totot told VGC that hardware sales are expected to drop 16.5% and game sales are expected to drop by 15.9%. It’s far from catastrophic but the Switch has been around for 7 years now and the slow decline of the Switch means Nintendo surely can’t wait too much longer.
