Since Helldivers 2 launched earlier this year and became an overnight sensation there has been one question that Sony and developer Arrowhead have avoided answering: how many copies has it actually sold?

Well, it seems Sony wanted to keep that information back for their financial results which the company just posted. According to Sony, Helldivers 2 has sold a whopping 12m copies on PC and PS5. That apparently also makes Helldivers 2 the fastest selling PlayStation game in history, beating out the previous record holder, 2022’s God of War: Ragnarok by about 1m.

On its earnings call Sony described Helldivers 2 as having exceeded their expectations.

“In terms of software, the live service game Helldivers 2, released in February, has been a hit that far exceeded expectations, with cumulative sales for both PS5 and PC in the 12 weeks since its release to the beginning of May reaching 12 million copies, surpassing the record set by God of War Ragnarök in the same period after its release in 2022.” – transcript of the earnings call.

Sony also confirmed that Helldivers 2 “contributed significantly” its sales and earnings in the last quarter, both of which were up.

Unsurprisingly, Sony did not discuss its recent cock up where it reintroduced mandatory PSN account linking for Helldivers 2 and then had to quickly walkback that decision after the community banded together in outrage. Despite cancelling the need for a PSN account on PC, Helldivers 2 has not be reinstated for sale in 180 regions.

Prior to this earnings call, Sony also announced that it is appointing co-CEOs to lead the PlayStation brand going forward.
