
The topic of Titanfall’s final resolution has been a heated one with rumours flying back and forth, but today Vince Zampella of Respawn seemingly confirmed that the game will not run at a full 1080p on the Xbox One.

Vince’s answer came when a Twitter user pointed him toward another Tweet which made the claim that Titanfall will run at 1080p on the Xbox One and asked if it was true. Vince simply replied, “No.”


The story in question stems from the official Titanfall forums and AVForums. A member of the AVForums made the claim that he/she was at the official Titanfall preview event before the Beta, and was told that Respawn were aiming to deliver a couple of patches for the game’s launch that would bump the resolution up to 1080p. Obviously Vince’s straightforward answer puts an end to that claim.

However, the story does not end there. A Reddit user who also works for Epic Games posted that Titanfall had gone Gold and was most definitely above 720p. Meanwhile an official spokesperson from Respawn told TitanfallBlog that the game will have its resolution increased in time for launch, possibly up to 900p.

So, while we still don’t have a genuine announcement regarding resolution, my money is placed on it running at 900p. Not that I’m actually too worried as I’ll take the higher, stable frame rate on a fast-paced shooter like Titanfall any day of the week.
